Prices in Data Recovery

Prices in Data Recovery can vary from a hundred dollar for in-lab diagnostic to few hundreds or even thousands depending on the device class, problem type, parts availability and the required service turnaround time.

Turnaround time

A typical turnaround time is about three to five days for a single hard drive recovery. More expensive emergency servicing is a non-stop recovery around a clock.

Parts for drive repair

We do not charge customers for parts we have in stock in our lab.

Hard drives and SSD

Most desktop and laptop computers have a single internal hard drive or SSD, and service cost is the same as for a one drive recovery. Most NAS and all RAID systems include few hard drives, making recovery more complex and more expensive.

How to start and get quote

The price quote for your device recovery can be obtained over the phone or through online quote system.

The final price will be offered for approval after accurate diagnostic in our lab.